
GWO on-site training



The on-site training option offers your company a very flexible solution. The set-up can be arranged according to your request. E.g. training can be scheduled in a period with “wind days”, when the technicians cannot work, or postponed when the technicians are working.

Attractive business case

The training is given in your country, in the vicinity of or on your site, resulting in no travel expenses and often limiting additional hotel expenses.

All training to be given on site

We offer GWO Safety and Technical training, Blades Level 1 and level 2, and technical training, according to customer request, on-site. In some cases, the training is given in the vicinity of one of the customers wind turbines, which results in a more realistic training.

GWO BST (Basic Safety Training) on-site training

GWO BTT (Basic Technical Training) on-site

GWA Blades (L1, L2, L3 and LPS) on-site

For further information

For further information about the on-site training opportunities, please contact:

Per Lapholm Christoffersen

+45 9684 0099
