GWO Safety PACKAGE on-shore Refresher (ONS - TORS)
GWO Safety PACKAGE on-shore Refresher (ONS - TORS)
GWO Safety PACKAGE on-shore Refresher (ONS - TORS)

GWO Safety PACKAGE on-shore Refresher (ONS - TORS)


Dette modul indeholder de fire GWO basics safety refresher moduler, GWO Working at Heights refresher, GWO Manual Handling refresher, GWO First Aid refresher and GWO Fire Awareness refresher. Variehed 2 dage.

29/Jan/2025 - 30/Jan/2025
Start dato 29/01/2025
Slut dato 30/01/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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05/Feb/2025 - 06/Feb/2025
12/Feb/2025 - 13/Feb/2025
Start dato 12/02/2025
Slut dato 13/02/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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19/Feb/2025 - 20/Feb/2025
Start dato 19/02/2025
Slut dato 20/02/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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26/Feb/2025 - 27/Feb/2025
Start dato 26/02/2025
Slut dato 27/02/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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05/Mar/2025 - 06/Mar/2025
Start dato 05/03/2025
Slut dato 06/03/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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12/Mar/2025 - 13/Mar/2025
Start dato 12/03/2025
Slut dato 13/03/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
19/Mar/2025 - 20/Mar/2025
Start dato 19/03/2025
Slut dato 20/03/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
26/Mar/2025 - 27/Mar/2025
Start dato 26/03/2025
Slut dato 27/03/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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02/Apr/2025 - 03/Apr/2025
Start dato 02/04/2025
Slut dato 03/04/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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09/Apr/2025 - 10/Apr/2025
Start dato 09/04/2025
Slut dato 10/04/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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14/Apr/2025 - 15/Apr/2025
Start dato 14/04/2025
Slut dato 15/04/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
23/Apr/2025 - 24/Apr/2025
Start dato 23/04/2025
Slut dato 24/04/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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30/Apr/2025 - 01/May/2025
Start dato 30/04/2025
Slut dato 01/05/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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07/May/2025 - 08/May/2025
Start dato 07/05/2025
Slut dato 08/05/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
14/May/2025 - 15/May/2025
Start dato 14/05/2025
Slut dato 15/05/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
21/May/2025 - 22/May/2025
Start dato 21/05/2025
Slut dato 22/05/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
27/May/2025 - 28/May/2025
Start dato 27/05/2025
Slut dato 28/05/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
04/Jun/2025 - 05/Jun/2025
Start dato 04/06/2025
Slut dato 05/06/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
11/Jun/2025 - 12/Jun/2025
Start dato 11/06/2025
Slut dato 12/06/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
18/Jun/2025 - 19/Jun/2025
Start dato 18/06/2025
Slut dato 19/06/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
25/Jun/2025 - 26/Jun/2025
Start dato 25/06/2025
Slut dato 26/06/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
02/Jul/2025 - 03/Jul/2025
Start dato 02/07/2025
Slut dato 03/07/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
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GWO Working at Heigts

Formålet med dette modul er at give deltageren forståelse for brug af grundlæggende PPE (Personal Protective Equipment / Personlige værnemidler), og hvordan man arbejder sikkert i højden, samt foretager almindelige redninger i højden svarende til vindmøllemiljøet. Modulet afvikles i henhold til ”GWO BST Working at Heights” modulet. 

GWO Manual Handling

Formålet med dette modul er at tilskynde en korrekt fysisk og ergonomisk tilgang til arbejdet i en vindmølle og træne deltageren i at udføre Manual Handling/fysiske opgaver på en sikker måde. Kurset optimerer deltagerens opmærksomhed gennem teoretisk og praktisk træning, med hovedfokus på praktiske opgaver i henhold til ”GWO BST Manuel Handling” modulet. 

GWO First Aid

Formålet med dette modul er at sikre en effektiv og sikker førstehjælp i et vindmøllemiljø, gennem teoretisk og praktisk træning. Kurset opfylder målet for nye og erfarne medarbejdere i faget således de kan håndtere en nødsituation i vindmøllebranchen. Modulet afvikles i henhold til ”GWO BST First Aid” modulet. 

GWO fire Awareness

Formålet med dette modul er, gennem teori og praktik, at give deltageren basisviden og færdigheder i at forbygge at en brand opstår og træffe hensigtsmæssige beslutninger når en brand skal evalueres. Kursisten lærer at foretage sikker evakuering af personel hvis nødvendigt og hvordan man effektivt slukker en mindre brand med almindelige slukningsmidler. Modulet afvikles i henhold til ”GWO BST Fire Awareness” modulet.