GWO BTT Electrical

GWO BTT Electrical


Dette modul indeholder GWO Electrical. Varighed: 1,5 dag.

19/Mar/2025 - 20/Mar/2025
02/Apr/2025 - 03/Apr/2025
Start dato 02/04/2025
Slut dato 03/04/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
30/Apr/2025 - 01/May/2025
Start dato 30/04/2025
Slut dato 01/05/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
14/May/2025 - 15/May/2025
Start dato 14/05/2025
Slut dato 15/05/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
28/May/2025 - 29/May/2025
Start dato 28/05/2025
Slut dato 29/05/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
11/Jun/2025 - 12/Jun/2025
Start dato 11/06/2025
Slut dato 12/06/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet
25/Jun/2025 - 26/Jun/2025
Start dato 25/06/2025
Slut dato 26/06/2025


GWO data for the participant will be uploaded in the GWO WINDA Database. You can also order a plastic GWO ID card.

An additional WINDA fee of DKK 150 will be added for each participant per module

Antal deltagere
* Påkrævet

GWO Elektrisk
Indeholdet i GWO Basic Technical Training Elektrisk modulet er:

Introduktion til Elektricitet
Elektrisk Sikkerhed
Elektriske komponenter
Elektriske kredsløb
Elektriske måleinstrumenter
Teoriprøve test